A vitamins’ approach
At the outset, I would like to point out that vitamin supplements are not substitutes for a healthy and balanced diet. Most of our vitamin needs can be met by a proper meal plan but there are times when the food on the plate might not provide the requisite amounts of vitamins necessary for a healthy life. We might not be eating enough of a particular food or some of the nutrient values might be getting destroyed in the cooking process. Or you might need a little more of a certain vitamin for a health condition. In such cases a vitamin supplement is a good way of making up for that deficiency of loss.
If you do need to take some supplements, please take care not to go overboard. Take a few good ones that is not present in your diet and that can really benefit you. Try adding more natural herbs and spices to your diet. I suffer from PCOS and I know cinnamon powder and turmeric are very effective for this condition. I therefore incorporate both these in my everyday diet. However, after extensive research and consultations with the doctor, I have settled upon a small but highly effective mix of vitamin supplements that help my body deal with PCOS. This is what I take:
- AD Intensive by Biocare for my PCOS
- Probiotic – VSL 3 and Proven
- Liquid B12 Sublingual by Solgar, or Nutural B by Nutrilite Amway. This contains 8 B vitamins to help with PMS,tiredness,stress,irritability and to maintain healthy nervous system
- Magnesium and B6 -by Solgar
- Vitamin D3 with K2
- Omega 3
If you are just starting out with vitamin supplements then I recommend the following:
A good multi-vitamin and mineral formula (make sure it has chromium) – this is safe and suitable for anyone 18 and above. The multivitamin will ensure your body gets the right nutrients in the right dosage. Chromium, in my opinion, is the most important mineral to add in your diet if you have PCOS. It helps to balance blood sugar levels, controls cravings and hunger pangs and consequently helps to manage weight. If you are diabetic or have any other medical conditions, please consult your doctor before taking this mineral. Some good, reliable Indian multivitamin brands that you can get your hands on are Nutrilite by Amway and HealthViva.
Omega 3 fish oil supplement – These are fatty acids that help to lower testosterone levels and improve insulin resistance. They also reduce inflammation and help regulate menstrual cycles. easily available Indian brands include Mega3 by Dr. Reddy and Omega 3 Complex by Amway.
Vitamin D3– This helps regulate calcium and phosphorus absorption, maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. It also protects against diseases and conditions such as cancer, type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis. Most of us Indian women suffer from Vitamin D deficiency because of our aversion to sunlight, so a good supplement is critical for us. A low amount of Vitamin D may lead to the development of uterine fibroids and polyps. A good, locally available supplement is Supracal that has both Vit D3 and K2.
Probiotic formula – For those of us living in India, battling with pollution and food adulteration, this can be an invaluable addition to our diets. It keeps harmful bacteria away, helps to digest food and balances gut flora so your uterus remains healthy and help in hormone regulation. Make sure you take a good formula, you can try your hands at Bifilac, that comes in both capsule and sachet form.
VSL#3 may require a prescription and needs to be kept refrigerated
Proven is my go to probiotic when I’m travelling as it require no prescriptions and there’s no need to refrigerate it
All these vitamin supplements are safe and work brilliantly for me. I strongly recommend that you consult your doctor before taking any yourself as the dosage and strength and even the type of supplement you need can only be determined by a medical professional.
Are there any vitamin supplements you would like to recommend? Write to me below or using #stayrealstayyou on Instagram @shagunkhanna